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Building Permits

The City of Woodstock Building Department has a one-permit system. This means the application for a permit to construct or demolish is used for projects such as: construction of structures, mechanical/plumbing work and site drainage work. This permit application form is also used for the construction of sheds, decks, porches, garages, carports, interior and exterior renovations. Zoning by-law compliance and site plan approval (where applicable) are also part of the permit process.

When is a Building Permit Required?

building permit is required under the Ontario Building Code Act for the construction or alteration of any structure. Please view our application requirements as well as required inspections if you are planning on starting a project. If you are not sure if your project requires a permit, please call our Building Technician at 519-539-2382 ext. 3106 to inquire.

We do not accept building permit applications/requests via email. An application along with the necessary paperwork must be submitted online through Cloudpermit. For more information on Cloudpermit please visit our Application and Forms - Applying for Building Permit page. 

Permit Application Forms

When considering any kind of construction on your property, it is best to discuss your plans with local building staff before you begin your project. They will help to determine the permits and approvals that you may need. Email or call 519-539-2382 ext. 3103 or ext. 3106 and leave as much detail as possible about your proposed project.

If you are planning to dig, build or excavate, it is important to locate all of your utility lines first. In fact, under the Ontario regulations, it is the law. Please call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255.

Construct or Demolish Permit

You are required to submit a Construct or Demolish Permit Application for any structure that you are proposing to construct (houses, sheds, decks, porches (uncovered or covered), garages, carports, interior/exterior renovations/alterations, additions, etc.).

Required Clearances for Demolition

You are required to submit a Required Clearances for Demolition form in addition to the application for a permit to Construct or Demolish, if you are proposing to demolish an existing structure.

Sign Permit

Along with the completed Sign Permit Application, a site plan showing the location of the proposed sign must be provided. Please note on the application, the date of installation and the date of removal for all temporary mobile signs. If you do not own the property, owner authorization/approval in the form of a letter must be provided with the application form. For information on our sign bylaw, please follow the link for more information on our Sign Permits page.

Pool Fence Enclosure Permit

If you are proposing to install a pool, you will require a Swimming Pool Fence Enclosure Permit. If a fence is existing, please note the type of material/construction and height of the fence on your required site plan. A permit is not required for a fence if you do not have a pool. See pool fence requirement package below for more details.

Moving Permit for Oversized Loads

If you are proposing to move a large or oversized structure within City boundaries, you are required to take out an Over-sized Load Permit.

Driveway Widening / Excavation Permit

If you plan on expanding your driveway, a Driveway Widening/Excavation Permit is required. You must provide a drawing showing your existing driveway, the proposed expansion, drawings of all infrastructure around your driveway including trees, street light fixtures, hydrants, etc. For residential units with individual private driveways, driveways are permitted to cover a maximum of 50 per cent of the front yard or exterior side yard with parking. 

If you are planning on excavating on city property to widen your driveway, you will also require a Road Allowance Excavation Permit. There is no fee to apply for a permit, however, if you require a curb-cut there is a fee that will be discussed with you prior to approval.

Road Allowance Excavation Permit - Working on City Right-of-Way/Property

If you are planning on digging in the City's right-of-way/City property, a Road Allowance Excavation Permit is required. For more information on excavation permits please call 519-539-2382 ext. 3114.

Working on Private Property

If you are working on private property, you do not require an excavation permit. However, if you are repairing or connecting to the City's sanitary sewer and water services a Building Permit is required along with inspections of the work performed. 

Documents Required with Permit Application Forms

Along with your completed application form, you will be required to include two sets of each item noted below:

  • Site plan/property survey showing the location and outside measurements of your house and any covered structures such as sheds, porches, garages, decks, etc. If you do not have a property survey, you may provide your own site plan drawing, provided that it is to scale. The City of Woodstock does not provide copies of property surveys. These documents are under copyright and can be obtained by a professional surveying company at a cost to the homeowner.

  • Construction drawings showing the types of materials to be used, floor plans including foundation plans if applicable, elevation plans sections and details. Construction drawings are not required if your accessory structure is 108 sq. ft. or less.

  • Other applicable drawings such as site servicing plans, grading plans, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and sprinkler drawings, depending on the work proposed.

Additional Information

Fees for building permits vary, depending on the type of work being done. Please follow the link to our Building Permit Fees page for pricing.
Information Packages

These packages provide information on a variety of construction projects. If you have any further questions, please contact the Building Department at 519-539-2382 ext. 3103 or 3106.

Examples of Site Plan Drawing

Minor Variances

If your construction or renovation project has been denied a building permit, please see our Minor Variances page for more information on how to proceed.  

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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