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Strategic Priorities

Museum Square

The City's current Strategic Plan was adopted by Council in 2013. The 20-year plan outlines a vision for the future of Woodstock and helps guide work planning and decision making. 

In January 2023, Council directed staff to plan a Strategic Priorities workshop with Council to provide an update on progress towards the goals in the Strategic Plan, identify any new or emerging issues the City needs to address and develop an updated list of priority actions. 

The Strategic Plan identifies four goals:

Community Goal: Enhance the quality of life
Objectives Priority Actions

1. Provide a safe community for all

2. Effectively deliver amenities and services

3. Improve transportation and mobility

4. Increase active recreation opportunities

5. Continue to promote arts, culture and heritage

6. Enhance ongoing public engagement

1.5 Partner to support the development of a campus of services around addiction, mental health and transitional housing (new)

1.6 Promote equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the community (new)

Economy Goal: Create a dynamic, diversified economy
Objectives Priority Actions

7. Enhance the vibrancy in the downtown core

8. Promote Woodstock as a place to attract and retain business

9. Identify and create a ‘destination’ for Woodstock (place for visitors)

10. Support the development of a skilled labour force

11. Encourage the use of locally produced products

7.1 Update the property standards bylaw

7.5 Support the creation and intensification of residential units in the downtown (new)

8.1 Develop additional strategies to attract new business

Environment Goal: Protect and enhance our natural environment 
Objectives Priority Actions

12. Protect and preserve the environment

13. Promote and implement green initiatives

14. Protect the quality of our air and water

15. Reduce our energy consumption

13.1 Expand waste diversion initiatives

13.3 Focus on the goals of the Community Energy Plan (new)

Fiscal Sustainability Goal: Ensure long-term financial sustainability for the city
Objectives Priority Actions

16. Develop a long-term financial sustainability plan

17. Enhance emergency management planning

18. Provide the necessary resources to support community and economic growth (new)

18.1 Amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to allow for increased residential density (new)

18.2 Pursue a boundary adjustment to maintain a 25-year residential land supply (new)

Some of the initiatives underway related to the identified priorities include:


Housing Pledge

As part of their efforts to build 1.5 million new homes by 2031, the Province asked Ontario’s largest and fastest-growing municipalities to submit a housing pledge outlining the strategies, actions and initiatives they will take to achieve their housing targets. Council held a special meeting on Nov. 9, 2023 to explore gentle density strategies and brainstorm initiatives and barriers to creating more homes in Woodstock. Based on their feedback, staff prepared a draft housing pledge for their consideration. Council approved Woodstock's Housing Pledge at their meeting on Dec. 14, 2023. Municipalities who committed to reaching the target assigned to them by the Province who also submitted a Housing Pledge by Dec. 15, 2023 are eligible for a share of the $1.2 billion Building Faster Fund. 

 Read Woodstock's Housing Pledge

Additional Residential Units

As part of their efforts to help address the critical housing shortage in Ontario, the province has recently introduced changes that allow more property owners to add additional residential units (ARUs) to their property. ARUs are one of the ways the City can increase residential density and help achieve our housing target. Learn more about ARUs in Woodstock. 


Downtown Streetscape Master Plan

In October 2022, Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan. The plan outlines design concepts, recommended materials, proposed phasing and cost estimates and was one of the top priorities identified in the Downtown Development Plan. Learn more about this project on the Streetscape Master Plan page. 

Mayor’s Social Well-Being Task Force

The Mayor’s Social Well-Being Task Force was established to work with community partners to address the social well-being of the city and support initiatives that accelerate solutions to housing, mental health, safety and addictions issues in our community. Learn more about the task force and community partners on the task force webpage.

Boundary Adjustments

To help ensure Woodstock has enough residential and employment land to support the growth of our community, Woodstock City Council approved the establishment of a Boundary Adjustment Committee in May 2023. Find details about the proposed boundary adjustment between the City and Norwich Township on the project page.

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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