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Boards and Committees


Volunteers and members of Council are appointed to serve on the boards and committees listed below with each new term of Council.

Request for Applications

The Youth Advisory Committee is currently recruiting for members. Visit the committee page to learn more. 

Appear as a Delegation at a Committee Meeting

If you wish to appear as a delegation at one of the City's Advisory Committee meetings, please complete and submit the delegation request form.

Current Boards and Committees

In addition to the following boards and committees, the City established a Mayor's Social Well-Being Task Force to address some of the social issues many communities, like Woodstock, are facing. Visit the Task Force webpage to learn more. 

Committee Name

Accessibility Advisory Committee 

Art Gallery Advisory Board

Committee of Adjustment and Property Standards 

Community Grants Advisory Committee

Compliance Audit Committee

Downtown Woodstock BIA

Environment Advisory Committee

Heritage Advisory Committee

Museum Advisory Committee

Police Services Board 

Recreation Advisory Committee

Sister Cities Committee

Southgate Centre Board of Directors 

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority 

Woodstock Hospital Board of Trust 

Woodstock Hydro Legacy Fund Advisory Committee

Woodstock Public Library Board

Youth Advisory Committee

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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