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Appear Before Council

Woodstock City Council welcomes and encourages members of the public to appear before Council as delegations on matters of interest to them at council meetings. You will have the option of attending in person or virtually. Council meetings are broadcast by Rogers TV, live streamed on the City's website and YouTube channel, and delegate information is made public on our agenda and minutes. You will have 5 minutes to outline your requests or concerns.

To appear as a delegation, complete and submit the delegation request form to the Clerks Department by 12:00 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting. If you wish to appear as a delegation regarding an item on the agenda after it is made public on the Friday prior to the council meeting, the request must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday.

Delegation Request Form

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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