Road and Sidewalk Maintenance
Whether you enjoy walking, biking or driving around Woodstock, our roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and drainage systems are integral to our lives in Woodstock.
Making sure our streets and sidewalks continue to meet our established quality standards is one of the ways we maintain our infrastructure. We do this through:
- Asphalt patching
- Curb repairs
- Grading gravel roads and shoulders
- Mowing roadside grass
- Road line marking
- Sewer maintenance
- Uneven and cracked sidewalk repair
Our regular maintenance program is designed to proactively address the wear and tear on our streets but if you notice something that needs to be fixed, let us know.
Driveway Widening and Curb Cuts
If you are considering widening your driveway, you will need to apply for a Driveway Widening/Excavation Permit. Residents are permitted to widen their driveway up to 50 per cent of their lot frontage. The frontage is considered the smaller property line measurement. There is no cost for the permit, but if you require your curb to be cut, there will be a fee. Once your permit is approved by our Building Department, our Public Works Supervisor will follow up with your regarding the cost of cutting the curb and if you wish to proceed. Some properties have their water valve/curb stop located underneath their driveway. If you need your water valve located or inspected prior to paving or repaving your driveway call 519-539-2382 ext. 3120.
Prior to excavating your driveway, you will need to contact Ontario One Call to locate all utility services around the work you are doing. The service is free and all you need to do is call 1-800-400-2255 or online at
If you do not require your driveway to be widened, but would still like to have the curb cut leading into your driveway, you can call the Engineering Office at 519-539-2382 ext. 3104 or 3102 and be forwarded to one of our Public Works Supervisors to discuss your options and fees.
Although City staff regularly patrol streets to identify potholes and other road deficiencies, potholes can develop quickly when temperatures hover around zero degrees. We can use your help in identifying locations that require attention.
When reporting a pothole, please be as specific as possible about the location and let us know as many of the following details as you can gather:
- the name of the street
- the nearest building address (e.g. 123 Main St.)
- the name of the nearest cross-street
- which lane (i.e., north bound lane, turning lane, etc.)
Pothole complaints are addressed on both a priority and scheduling basis.
Road Maintenance
Asphalt Resurfacing Projects
Our resurfacing projects typically involve the removal and replacement of a thin top layer of asphalt on the road surface. Most projects will take approximately one to two weeks to complete. This may include miscellaneous curb and gutter and sidewalk repair.
2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Information about the project and impacts on nearby residents or businesses will be sent to affected properties in advance of the project start. If you have questions about any of the projects listed below, please contact the Engineering Department at 519-539-2382 x 3104 or x3102.
Surface Asphalt Projects
Surface asphalt projects involve applying the final layer of asphalt to a recently reconstructed road. This work typically happens one year following a reconstruction project and takes approximately one to two weeks to complete.
2024 Surface Asphalt Projects | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Information about the project and impacts on nearby residents or businesses will be sent to affected properties in advance of the project start. If you have questions about any of the projects listed below, please contact the Engineering Department at 519-539-2382 x 3104 or x3102.
Road Reconstruction
Reconstruction projects involve the removal and replacement of the asphalt and the underlying base, as well as curb and gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer work. It it may also include the replacement of underground infrastructure. These projects are typically longer in duration and could take anywhere from six weeks to several months to complete.
2024 Road Reconstruction Projects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Information about the project and impacts on nearby residents or businesses will be sent to affected properties in advance of the project start. If you have questions about any of the projects listed below, please contact the Engineering Department at 519-539-2382 x 3104 or x3102.
Bell-Ledcor Fibre Build
Bell Canada has contracted Ledcor Group to install fibre cable for their clients throughout the City of Woodstock. For details about this private enterprise project including project scope and follow-up on restoration timings, please contact Ledcor directly by email or phone at 1-877-859-1155.