Zoning Bylaw
All land within the City of Woodstock are affected by the zoning bylaw.
The zoning bylaw controls the use of land in the community and states exactly, among other matters:
- How land can be used
- Where buildings and structures can be located and how they can be used
- Lot sizes and dimensions
- Parking requirements
- Building heights and setbacks from streets
Where an official plan sets out the municipality's general policies for future development, zoning bylaws put those policies into effect and provide the day-to-day administration of land use. The City of Woodstock Zoning By-Law controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones with detailed maps, specifying the uses permitted in each zone, specifying where buildings and other structures can be located, stating the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used, as well as specifying lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street. The conditions of the zoning bylaw are specific and are enforced.
Zoning Searches
For up-to-date zoning information on specific properties, you may contact the City of Woodstock Building and Planning Department or follow the links below to the County of Oxford website zoning page and use their mapping tool to help search a particular address or roll number.
Geographic Land Information and Mapping Resource is a mapping tool that may be used to search a particular address and the applicable zoning.
Zoning Bylaws and Schedules outlines the permitted land use opportunities. The link provided refers to permitted land use in Woodstock. For other cities and townships within Oxford County, follow the tabs on the left hand side of the page once you click on this link.
Paper copies of the bylaw can be purchased from the County of Oxford Community and Strategic Planning Office for $55 + HST each. Shipping is extra.
Property Information Requests / Searches
You can request a property information inquiry / compliance letter through the Building Department. This search outlines the proposed use of a property and whether or not it currently meets zoning and building regulations. Property searches will note zoning and use of property, any known building code non-compliance, plumbing code or property standard violations. A copy of the survey is to be submitted with the request letter. Zoning comments are based on the survey and if one is not provided or we do not have one on file, we cannot ensure accuracy.
You must provide a detailed letter outlining the information you are requesting. If the request is made by someone other than the owner, a letter of authorization is required from the owner that includes the owner's contact information. Property request letter and fees must be submitted together with a cheque payable to the City of Woodstock. Searches will not be released if fees are not obtained. Please allow 5-10 business days to process your request.
Tax certificate requests is provided through the Treasury Department. Please contact 519-539-2382 ext. 2306.
Required information in the letter
- Municipal address
- Name of applicant and owner contact information if different
- Full address of applicant and owner if different
- Day time telephone number
- Email address
- Detailed description of information you are requesting
- Residential Property File Search - zoning, permits, work orders, etc. ($75.00)
- ICI (Industrial/Commercial/Institutional) Property File Search - zoning, permits, work orders, etc. ($150.00)
- Site Plan Control Agreement Compliance Requests ($150.00)
- Subdivision/Severance Agreement Compliance Requests ($150.00)
Change of Use
If a property owner or developer wishes to change the way a building or land is used, a change of use permit must be obtained as required by the Ontario Planning Act and our zoning bylaw. Parking plans may be required with the application. This can be done through our Cloudpermit application process.
Zone Changes
A zone change application is to be used only when applying to the City of Woodstock for a change to the City's Zoning Bylaw. The applicant should approach both the City Engineering Office and the County of Oxford Community Planning Office for Official Plan, Zoning and Policy Information before making a formal application.