Property Assessment
Property Tax Assessment Information
Your property assessment figures provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and are based on legislation set by the Ontario government. The assessment figures are used to determine the amount of your property taxes.
Newly Constructed Homes
When you purchase a newly constructed home, you may not immediately receive a property tax bill.
Before we can send you a tax bill, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) needs to give us the assessed value of your home. We receive that information 3 times a year and your home will be included once your property has been assessed. Once we have received the information on your home and the final tax rates have been approved, we'll send you a supplementary tax bill.
Note that the tax billing will be retroactive to the date you occupied the home.
If you think that your current value assessment or property classification is incorrect, contact the Assessment Review Board.
The Assessment Review Board is the independent tribunal of the Ministry of the Attorney General responsible for hearing property assessment appeals. They have the authority to change an assessed value or a property classification.
Under the Assessment Act, the last day for appealing is March 31 of the taxation year.
Our local Assessment Office can be contacted at 1-866-296-6722.