Fire Safety Plan Templates
A Fire Safety Plan is required to be prepared (by law) for residential properties where the occupant load exceeds 10 persons. It is also required for assembly occupancies such as restaurants and bar establishments; for complete list of requirements please refer to Section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code available online. A Fire Safety Plan is required to be prepared by the building owner to identify the actions that should be taken by the occupants and building management (supervisory staff) in the event of a fire or similar emergency situation.
To request a template document in electronic format please email us at and let us know basic building information such as building use, number of employees/residents, building hazards, fire protection measures (i.e.: fire alarm system, sprinkler system, etc.). A template Fire Safety Plan will be emailed to you for you to prepare. Here are some hints to help with filling out the document: please type necessary information into the highlighted areas, check boxes can be filled out by double clicking on the box area. If the template contains information that does not apply to your building, the info can be deleted. If deleting areas or pages, please remember to adjust the Table of Contents if necessary. In an event a Fire Safety Plan is too complicated to prepare, you may seek assistance of a code consultant or a fire safety plan contractor skilled in that field of work.
Prepared Fire Safety Plan may be submitted in the following manner for Chief Fire Official’s approval process required by section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code:
1. Email to Please name your file with the property address. The fire safety plan must include site plan and floor plan schematic drawings.
2. By printing 2 (two) copies in duo-tangs or binders delivered to Fire Station 1 located at 1203 Parkinson Road, Woodstock.
Please also remember that an approved Fire Safety Plan is required to be reviewed regularly and any changes are to be submitted to the Woodstock Fire Department. Please keep an electronic copy of your plan so changes can be made and submitted easily.