Birth Registration and Death Certificates
You can apply to Service Ontario to order the following certificates:
- An Ontario birth certificate
- A marriage certificate
- A death certificate
Download the application at and return it, with the applicable fees set out on the application form to:
Office of the Registrar General
189 Red River Rd
PO Box 4600
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8
The waiting period for processing an application through the mail by the Province is a minimum of six to eight weeks. Paper copies of the applications are available at the City Clerk's department at city hall.
Registering a newborn baby
You no longer register your newborn with the municipality. Parents now complete the newborn registration online and submit it directly to Service Ontario's Office of the Registrar General. This service allows parents to electronically submit the Statement of Live Birth and submit applications for a birth certificate and social insurance number at the same time.
Travel letters
Travel letters are no longer available. If parents are required to travel with their newborn and have not applied for a birth certificate at the time of registration, contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156 or visit Canada Customs or a travel agency can also provide information regarding what documents would be required to travel with a newborn.
Death Certificates
If you require a death certificate, visit ServiceOntario to order one online. Paper copies of the application are available at city hall.