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Museum (DUP) Fire Halls

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Early Fire Halls

With a number of fire companies in the early days, it is difficult to identify the various early fire stations, but the earliest fire hall was located on York Street on the west side of where the Massey Harris Plant was later situated. The hand-pumped engine was part of the early equipment located there. A fire station was located on Dundas Street just west of Bay Street in the 1850s as well.

Old Fire Hall

Dundas Street Fire Hall, between Victoria and Bay, 1850’s

Town Hall Fire Station

In 1865, a section was added onto the rear of the town hall building to accommodate a fire hall and engine house. The one-story ground floor brick building accommodated the horse stables, fire engine and fire cart. The building had a hose tower for drying the hoses, and an internal water cistern in which rain water could be stored and the water tank filled in the event of fire. In November of 1882, it was clear that there was a problem with the fire hall and the alarm system being in the Town Hall. 

Town Hall Fire Hall

Town Hall Fire Station, early 1890’s

Perry Street Fire Hall

The Perry Street Fire Hall was approved in 1899 when W. A. Karn was the chairman of the Fire and Light Committee, and built in the same year when Fred Richards headed the Fire and Light Committee. The red brick building was erected by architect J.  E. Tisdale of Woodstock. The cost of the structure was $10,000, including the electric alarm system and equipment. The structure was intended to house the equipment and horses that had been crowding out the second fire house at the back of the City Hall building, now the Woodstock Museum.

The Fire Hall’s second floor had a reading room, four bedrooms, a lavatory, the chief’s office and a battery for the alarm system. The electrical alarm system was on the ground floor and could be sounded from any number of boxes around town. A fire pole went from the bedroom area on the second floor to the basement. The bell was housed above that in the tower and was inscribed with the names of the town council of 1890. On the ground floor there was a stable for four horses. Three firemen were stationed at the fire hall overnight, until 1901 when that number was increased to five, with at least three on duty at all times. The men who worked there were on duty 24 hours a day, six days a week. The Perry Street station was in use until 1975 when a second station was constructed in the southeast section of the city on Parkinson Road.

Perry Street Fire Hall, early 1900’s
Perry Street Fire Hall, early 1900’s

Parkinson Road Station

The opening of the new station took place on October 1, 1974 with Fire Captain Charles Young as the master of ceremonies. Mayor Les Cook and Fire Chief William Martin were both on hand with Father O’Rourke and Rev. Thomas Murray. The ribbon was cut, Father O’Rourke offered a prayer of dedication and refreshments were served. A new type of alarm system and Annunciator Protection Signal System were installed at the new fire station.

Woodstock Retired Firefighters Memories: Fire Halls

Vansittart Fire Hall 1990

On December 4, 1990, Chief Don Stewart reported that the move to the Vansittart Avenue station was complete. An open house was held on December 8, and the official opening occurred on December 12 with the ribbon cutting by the mayor.



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