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Freedom of Information

We're committed to transparency with the decisions that are made in our city and will provide as much information as possible to the public without the need for a formal request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Contact the clerks department if you would like a piece of information and we'll work with you to determine the appropriate next steps.

Making a formal freedom of information request

If you would like to submit a formal request, you now have 2 options

  1.  Complete the information request form and bring the form,  any supporting documents and payment to the Clerks Department on the main floor of City Hall. You can mail your request and payment to:  FOI Officer, City Clerks Department, Woodstock City Hall. P.O. Box 1539, Woodstock, ON, N4S 0A7
  2. Complete the online information request. This will automatically send your request to the FOI officer.

Include as much detail as possible so that your request can be addressed quickly and accurately.

A $5 fee will be charged when you initiate the request. Further fees will be charged in order to complete your request, including $7.50 per 15 minutes of search time and document preparation time and $0.20 per photocopy in accordance with the fees required under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have questions, contact us.

Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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