Downtown Streetscape Masterplan
Full of character. Welcoming. A strong sense of community.
Downtown Woodstock is the most intensive and functionally diverse area of Woodstock, serving as the primary business, cultural and administrative centre in the County. It has a distinct heritage character and a thriving commercial area.
In October 2022, Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan. The plan outlines design concepts, recommended materials, proposed phasing and cost estimates and was one of the top priorities identified in the Downtown Development Plan.
Extensive consultation was undertaken throughout the process and the City received tremendous feedback, with more than 1,000 responses to the online survey collecting input on the design options. The Master Plan aims to address areas of concerns identified through the consultation and will add in accessibility features to create a more inclusive environment for everyone. Specifically, the project will include removing the existing surface materials (asphalt, concrete, paving stones and lighting) and replacing with new asphalt, including textured asphalt sidewalks, rolled curbs, new lighting and new street furniture.
Implementation of the Master Plan
In March 2024, Council directed staff to proceed with implementation of the streetscape for the section of Dundas between Riddell Street and Wellington Street. The final design drawings are in development and construction will begin early in 2025. Completing the project in phases will showcase what the completed project will look like and allow us to test the functionality and adjust any improvements on future phases. It also allows for the work to be completed in a single construction season.
Council also directed staff to updated the plan for the redevelopment of Museum Square to include the demolition of 478 / 484 Dundas St. and an expanded City Hall.
Overall Concept
The master plan proposes a streetscape and public realm vision for Downtown Woodstock. This proposed plan and overall implementation strategies look at the entire Downtown stretch, from Vansittart Avenue to Beale Street / Bay Street. This master plan proposes a continuous approach throughout the Downtown, with unique interventions based on site specific needs. The plan also recognizes the current character of the Downtown and seeks to develop a phased approach in which Woodstock’s Downtown can continue to grow, thrive and invite public use.
The plan will:
- Strengthen existing historical characteristics - Embrace the existing heritage and culture of Woodstock Downtown, and as a City.
- Update and provide accessible street furnishings - Enhance existing lack of street furniture and ensure that accessibility and comfort is at the forefront.
- Provide safe crossings and well defined crosswalks - Enhance crosswalks and provide safe travel for all modes of transportation.
- Expand the vegetation and promote healthy vibrant trees - Provide space for plants to thrive including trees, native shrubs and perennials and hanging baskets.
- Provide timeless materiality - Allow for materials that are durable and can be maintained in the future.
Central Area
The central area focuses on the Dundas Street corridor from Graham Street to Wellington Street. This area is the heart of the Downtown. With the proximity of City Hall, Museum Square, and other important destinations, it makes this the most active area of the Downtown. Parking has been modified in select locations to allow for bump-outs and enhanced pedestrian crossings. This ensures a well connected, active space that emphasizes pedestrian safety. Several streets terminate at Dundas Street within this area. These terminating views provide an opportunity for Public Art and enhanced vistas along the streetscape.