Boundary Adjustments

To help ensure Woodstock has enough residential and employment land to support the growth of our community, Woodstock City Council approved the establishment of a Boundary Adjustment Committee in May 2023 and entered into discussions with Township of Norwich to explore possible boundary adjustments.
One of the driving factors for exploring a boundary adjustment between the City of Woodstock and Township of Norwich is to allow for the realignment of Pattullo Avenue to intersect Highway 59 further from the 401 ramps. As part of the discussions, the Boundary Adjustment Committees also considered the need for future employment lands and how those needs could potentially be met.
The Committees have prepared a draft proposal and are now looking to consult with the public. Following the meetings on June 27, staff will review the feedback provided and finalize the boundary adjustment proposal for consideration by the Township, City and Oxford County Council. If the three local councils approve the proposal, it will be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for review and approval.
Public Information and Consultation Meeting
Two public meetings were held on June 27, 2024. Property owners heard from City, Township and County staff about the lands under consideration, the reasons for the boundary adjustment and how municipal taxes, services and by-laws would change.
View the Proposed Boundary Adjustment Public Consultation Meeting presentation.
Following the meeting, the public had the opportunity to provide written comments to the City of Woodstock and Township of Norwich, which were submitted as part of the reports to Council.
Norwich Township Council Report - Aug. 13, 2024
Woodstock City Council Report - Aug. 15, 2025
Resources and Additional Information
The following information has been developed to provide details about the draft boundary adjustment proposal.