
Highlights from the Nov. 2 Council Meeting

Posted on Thursday November 02, 2023

Woodstock – Council met Thursday, Nov. 2 at 1:30 p.m. and while it was a lighter agenda, the following items are worth noting.

Traffic Bylaw Amendments

Council approved a number of traffic bylaw amendments related to new streets, on-street parking and new stop signs. In response to a request from Council for clarification about how the City handles requests for traffic amendments from the public, Harold DeHaan, City Engineer, shared that all requests and concerns are investigated and that staff follows the Ontario Traffic Council (OTC) warrants and guidelines. DeHaan cited a frequently requested example and said the OTC specifically states the warrants for all-way stop signs include traffic volume, traffic distribution and collision history and that all-way stops are not intended to be used for traffic calming. The four intersections where new stop signs were approved meet the OTC warrants.

Consumer Fireworks Bylaw Approved

At their July meeting, Council approved a ban on the sale and discharge of consumer fireworks within the City of Woodstock and directed staff to prepare the necessary short form wording and bylaw. Today’s approval of the bylaw was the final stage in the process, meaning that effective Jan. 1, 2024, personal fireworks displays will no longer be permitted within city limits. Until then, the current bylaw remains in effect, so those celebrating Diwali are permitted to discharge consumer fireworks on private property between dusk and 11 p.m. so long as they are in compliance with all the regulations. Organized events, like the City’s Canada Day celebration, are not impacted by the new bylaw.  

Community and Social Well Being Reserve Fund Allocation

Council approved the allocation of $20,000 from the Community and Social Well Being reserve fund activities from to three community organizations.

The Oxford County Community Health Centre will be receiving $7,500 to fund Mobile Health Outreach Bus supplies. The money will allow them to purchase personal hygiene and medical supplies as well as daily living needs.

The Salvation Army will receive $7,500 to purchase food, including perishable food options for their food bank program. They are seeing an approximately 200 per cent increase in their annual food spending to meet the needs of the community. The Salvation Army will also be collecting non-perishable food items along the Santa Claus parade route for those able to donate.  

Ingamo Homes will receive $5,000 to purchase grocery gift cards that will allow the women and children they support to access sufficient, nutritious foods to meet their family’s needs.

The Mayor’s Task Force and reserve fund was established as part of the 2023 budget process to support initiatives and address issues related to homelessness and community well-being.

If you would like more information about the items above, or any of the other topics discussed during the council meeting, visit Council meetings are live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and recordings of the meetings are also posted online following the meetings.


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