
Highlights from the Jan. 16 Council Meeting

Posted on Friday January 17, 2025

Woodstock – Woodstock City Council met Thursday evening for the first time in 2025. Some of the notable topics on the agenda included:

Planning Reports

Council approved the five planning reports on the agenda. Two applications worth noting will see an additional 84 new residential units built once completed. One on Norwich Avenue just north of Salter Avenue will allow for the construction of a 32-unit stacked townhouse building. The second application includes 52 units in two three-and-a-half storey buildings off Pavey Avenue. The applications will now go to Oxford County for the required Official Plan amendments. Approval of these two infill development projects supports recommendations in the City’s housing pledge, which outlines the City’s intention of increasing the number and types of housing options for residents.

Extension of Transit Route #1

Council approved the extension of Woodstock Transit Route #1 to improve access and safety for bus users in the northeast area of the City. Significant industrial development in the area south of Devonshire along Woodall Way and Griffin Way has increased the number of riders traveling to those businesses. The nearest stop was at Devonshire Avenue and Cardinal Drive, which left many riders walking more than 1.5 km along roads without sidewalks. The route extension adds six new stops and creates a safer, more convenient travel experience for bus users. The expanded route will take effect Jan. 27.

Alternative Forms of Voting

While the next municipal and school board election may still feel far away, staff has already begun planning. Based on information provided to Council in a Sept. 5, 2024 report, Council directed staff to bring back additional details on the cost and implementation for voting options including:

  • traditional paper ballots,
  • online voting, and
  • a hybrid model which allows voters to choose either in person or online voting.

The report included a detailed overview of the three options, the potential risks and actions staff will take to mitigate those risks for each type of voting method and the cost to administer each option.

Council voted in favour of proceeding with a hybrid election for the 2026 Municipal and School Board election. Election day is Monday, October, 26, 2026.

Acting Mayor

Councillor Wismer-Van Meer has been named the acting mayor, effective Jan. 17, 2025 through Jan. 15, 2026. As part of the City’s municipal code, Council must elect an acting mayor to serve in place of the mayor when the mayor is absent, unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the role.

Changes to Waste Collection

Following Oxford County’s approval of waste collection changes and award of a new waste collection contract, Woodstock City Council voted in favour of continuing to provide waste collection for Woodstock residents and begin curbside organics collection in 2026. 

With Council’s approval, staff will now finalize a new waste management agreement with the County and begin detailed planning of transitioning to the new service program.

Summary of changes

Changes to how waste is collected in Woodstock will begin in early 2026 and include:

  • A new curbside garbage collection schedule. Rather than having a set collection day, garbage pick-up will happen Monday to Friday on a rotating six-day schedule.
  • Introduction of curbside organics collection. Organics would be collected on the same schedule as garbage, using the same trucks.
  • Curbside recycling will continue by a third-party contractor and details of that program are still being developed as part of the province-wide transition of responsibility for recyclable materials to producers. 

The City regularly hears requests for curbside organics collection so City and County staff will work together on a communication and education program to help the public understand the changes and details of the new service levels.

Community Grants Policy Updates

Council approved changes to the community grants policy to improve the administrative process and clarify and strengthen some of the criteria and eligibility requirements. Specifically, organizations can now only receive one grant per calendar year, applicants must provide some additional information about how the program being funded will benefit the community and programs must be open to the public.

Staff will now update the grant application form, which will be posted on the website along with the updated policy. The deadline to apply for the 2025 spring intake is March 3.


Details about all the agenda items and topics discussed during the council meeting can be found at Council meetings are live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and recordings of the meetings are posted online following the meetings.


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