
Highlights from the June 6 Council Meeting

Posted on Friday June 07, 2024

Woodstock – Thursday’s Council meeting got underway at 1:30 p.m. with a proclamation by Mayor Acchione that June is Seniors’ Month. Mayor Acchione also introduced Dr. Elizabeth Poskitt, Councillor and Chair of West Oxfordshire District Council, representing the wards of Woodstock and Bladon. Mayor Acchione and Mary Reid, Director and Curator of the Woodstock Art Gallery had the opportunity to meet Councillor Poskitt in January 2023 when the Gallery was presenting an exhibition at the Canadian Embassy located in London, England. Poskitt was Mayor of Woodstock, Oxfordshire at the time.

Sister Cities Logo Presentation

Mayor Acchione and Loretta Walters, Chair of the Sister Cities Advisory Committee presented Woodstock resident Nathan Friend with a certificate and prize for his design of the new Sister Cities logo. The City of Woodstock Sister Cities Committee and the Sylvania Sister City Commission work together to enhance the quality of life, health and well-being of both communities through recreational, cultural, economic and educational exchange. To celebrate the relationship between the two cities, a logo design competition was held. The contest was open to residents of both communities and a jury, with equal representation from each city selected the winning entry.

New Spray Pad and Playground

Council gave the green light for the construction of the new spray pad and playground to be built at the Community Complex. The project will include a new spray pad, playground and pavilion with plenty of seating and shade. It will be located along Finkle Street between Parkinson Road and the sport fields parking lot and construction is expected to begin this August. Once open, the new spray pad will replace the Spray and Play wading pool at Southside Aquatic Centre.

Boundary Adjustment Update

Council received an update on the boundary adjustment discussions with Norwich Township. A boundary adjustment is being explored to accommodate the realignment of Pattullo Avenue so that the intersection with Highway 59 is further away from the 401 ramps as required by the MTO. The preferred route extends through Norwich Township and because the City cannot own the roadway outside of its border nor be the proponent of the development of this new road, the land must be brought into the City limits. The report also included details about the potential compensation for the proposed boundary adjustment.

It’s important to note that the boundary adjustment is only looking to “move the line” to bring the proposed lands within Woodstock city limits. The boundary adjustment process itself has no impact on land use or property ownership and no land is being expropriated.

At this stage City of Woodstock and Norwich Township Councils have only approved bringing the proposal to adjust their mutual boundary to a public meeting for input, following the formal process outlined in the Municipal Act. The next step is to select a date for the public meeting (or meetings) and send out invitations to the properties in and around the proposed boundary adjustment area.

Following the public meeting, the boundary adjustment committees will take into consideration the feedback received and make any final adjustments to the proposal. Both City of Woodstock and Norwich Township will take the final proposal to their respective Councils for approval to submit to the province, subject to approval by Oxford County Council.

More details about these items or any other topics discussed during the meeting can be found at Council meetings are live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and recordings are posted online following each meeting.



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